Dead Or Alive 6 (PS4)


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Estimated delivery on 12 - 14 February, 2025

The DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Tournament Executive Committee and hosts of DEAD OR ALIVE 6, DOATEC, already released the names of the first set of fighters involved in this instalment – including the owner of DOATEC, Helena Douglas.

Other notable fighters include the eighteenth master of the Mugen Tenshin clan, Hayate, and past DEAD OR ALIVE (DOA) tournament winners; Kasumi of the Mugen Tenshin clan; the ultimate ninja, Ryu Hayabusa; the ever-entertaining host, Zack; and the most recent tournament winner, the scorching soul Jann Lee.

4.9 of 132 Google reviews

Dead Or Alive 6 (PS4)


Break gauge system: a special attack meter new to the series. Use the break gauge to execute new tactics such as a break blow or a break hold in Dead Or Alive 6 (PS4). Fatal RUSH: fatal RUSH is a powerful combo attack of up to four neatly Animated punches and kicks, making a first-time player look like an expert

Fights in Dead or Alive are based on a triangle system: strikes beat throws, throws beat holds, and holds beat strikes. The DEAD OR ALIVE Tournament Executive Committee and hosts of DEAD OR ALIVE 6, DOATEC, already released the names of the first set of fighters involved in this instalment – including the owner of DOATEC, Helena Douglas.

Other notable fighters include the eighteenth master of the Mugen Tenshin clan, Hayate, and past DEAD OR ALIVE (DOA) tournament winners; Kasumi of the Mugen Tenshin clan; the ultimate ninja, Ryu Hayabusa; the ever-entertaining host, Zack; and the most recent tournament winner, the scorching soul Jann Lee.

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